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Paris Workshop
on Games, Decisions, and Language
3rd edition - Evolutionary Dynamics and Interactive Processes
June 5-7, 2025
University Paris-Panthéon-Assas
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Special Issue
International Journal of Game Theory
"Games, Decisons, and Language"
Call for Contributions - 2025
The purpose of this workshop series is to foster research at the intersection of game theory and the study of language. It notably aims at providing a platform for:
- game and decision-theoretic treatments of problems that are studied in the context of established research programs in linguistics, in particular, language evolution and language change, sociolinguistics, and semantics and pragmatics;
- studies carving out the linguistic implications of established modeling frameworks in game and decision theory, such as signaling, cheap-talk, Bayesian persuasion, ambiguity, models of interactive-knowledge and Bayesian dialogues; and
- methodological reflections on the interaction of game and decision theory and the study of language.
Evolutionary methods and iterative processes
For the third edition of this workshop, June 5-7, 2025, we are particularly interested in:
- methods from evolutionary game theory, and
- iterative processes such as rationalizability and Bayesian dialogues (as studied in game theory) or the Rational Speech Act model (as studied in linguistics).
If you would like to give a talk at this event, please send a proposal (extended abstract or working paper) to: christina.pawlowitsch@u-paris2.fr
by November 30, 2024.
Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis between now and November 30, 2024. Particular attention is given to studies exploring methodological connections between areas of research in different disciplines.
With contributions by:
Galit Ashkenazi-Golan * Anton Benz * Heather Burnett * Danny Fox * Michael Franke * Josef Hofbauer * Roni Katzir * Panayotis Mertikopoulos * Christina Pawlowitsch * Pierre Tarrés * Yannick Viossat * Jörgen Weibull *
Program Committee:
Dietmar Berwanger *
Paul Égré *
Josef Hofbauer *
Christina Pawlowitsch *
Benjamin Spector *
Vassili Vergopoulos
<img src="Attach:Christian-Katt-Textdurchzeichnung-website.jpg Δ">
Image: © Christian Katt,
Past events
<TD VALIGN=TOP> <table border="0" width="150" align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="15"> <tr bgcolor="#cccccc"> <td colspan="1"> <img src="Attach:Kummer-for-Aumann-Colloquium.jpg Δ"> Image: © Sylvia Kummer''' [[" Colloquium in Honor of Robert Aumann
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<img src="Attach:Christian-Katt-underwater-small.jpg Δ">
Image: © Christian Katt'''
1st Paris Workshop Games, Decisions, and Language, 2023
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<img src="Attach:C-KATT-CUBE-small.jpg Δ">
Image: © Christian Katt'''
2nd Paris Workshop Games, Decisions, and Language
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