Luc Lapointe
Mail: lapointe
Office: 1S62, Building ENS - North
Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles (LMF)
Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, ENS Paris-Saclay
4 avenue des Sciences • 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France

I am currently:
- Teacher for a french highly competitive exam to become teacher, called the "agrégation", since september 2023.
- A PhD student since September 2023, under the suvervision of Patricia Bouyer-Decitre and Nathalie Bertrand. My thesis is about Concurrent games for distributed systems.
- First aid in mental health.
- Computer science department referent for gender-based and sexual violences.
- Computer science department referent for the student prevention network, that also deals with psychological risks. (I'm sorry, the linked page is in French, but I can't find any English version of it.)

Don't hesitate to send me an email or to come at my office to discuss with me, be it about one of those topics, or something else.
My centers of interest in research are the following.
- Game Theory.
- Classifying problems inside the complexity hierarchy.
- Formal languages.
You can have a look to the page dedicated to my PhD here.
Teaching at ENS Paris-Saclay
Computability in L3. (Exercise sheets in French, ask if you want translation.)
Tree Automata and Applications in M1.
Classical computer Science in ARTeQ.
Harmless use of digital technology
The everyday use of digital technology has largely been invested by entities whose interests, be it commercial, political or anything else, are detrimental to the common good. Here are just a few examples:
- Google controls and monetizes what is shown to users, both on its search engine and on Youtube,
- Apple combines blocking ways to leave easily its products with planned obsolescence to make you buy,
- Meta (Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp...) develops algorithms to make children dependent,
- Microsoft monitors what users do under Windows and sells this information,
- X deliberately allows racism, sexism and harassment campaigns to proliferate.
We, the users, can emancipate ourselves from this privative and toxic digital world! If you're interested in this subject, I'm open to discussion. Whether it is to explain the dangers of digital technology, or to support a transition towards more virtuous practices, which are often just as easy to use.