Véronique Benzaken

Mail: veronique.benzaken
Phone: +33 (0)1 81 87 5446
Office: 2S55, Bâtiment ENS - Nord
Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles (LMF)
Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, ENS Paris-Saclay
4 avenue des Sciences • 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette, France
I am a member of LMF -- Laboratoire Méthodes Formelles. Until August 2010, I have been a member of the former database group (RIP) at LRI, headed by Nicolas Spyratos.
You can consult a very succinct bio. Here is my list of publications. Δ My Google Scholar Home Page is [ici/here]
I am interested in Data-Centric Programming Languages and Systems.Internet explosion and the ever growing importance of data in applications as well as the recent emergence of Cloud computing, has given birth to a whirlwind of new data models (XML, JSON, RDF) and languages (XPath, XQuery, Pig, Jaql, Sparql...). Whether they are developed under the banner of NoSQL (which stands for Not Only SQL), for BigData Analytics, for Cloud computing or as domain specific languages (DSL) embedded in a host language, most of them share a common subset of SQL and/or the ability to handle semistructured data.
Such languages can greatly benefit from formal uniform foundations, and we argue that such foundations should account for novel features critical to various application domains. Also, most of those languages provide limited type checking, or ignore it altogether. We believe type checking is essential for many applications, with usage ranging from error detection to optimization.
In this context one of my favorite research project was the design and development of ℂDuce an XML-centric general purpose functionnal programming language developed under an MIT license. ℂDuce is a language for type-safe and fast query and transformation of XML documents. Related Grant: ANR project Blanc SIMI2 Typex (Typeful certified XML: integrating language, logic, and data-oriented best practices).
Another research line, based on a collaboration with Oracle Labs (US), seeks to address the issue of making the querying interface of data providers effectively multi-lingual. The goal is to define an intermediate representation of queries (QIR) that is common to application programming languages and data providers of dif- ferent nature (e.g., Relational DBMS, key-value stores, map-reduce data stores, XML/JSon/RDF and other NoSQL databases, etc...). Database systems supporting the QIR interface can execute queries requested in QIR form, without requiring applications to translate them first into their main declarative querying interface (e.g., SQL, HiveQL, XQuery).
Together with Évelyne Contejean, Chantal Keller and Stefania Dumbrava
we are curently working on the formalisation in Coq of data intensive management systems in the context of the Datacert: towards data certification
project supported by ANR (2016-2021). The aim is to certify and
verify, as well, data intensive systems such as RDBMS's and/or XML
processing engines with the [[fr/| Coq proof
assistant ]] and the Why(3)
platform. Preliminary work has been published at ESOP 2014 and is
available from here.
Recently, we provided a Coq formalisation of Datalog (ITP 2017) and of
SQL's query execution plans and physical algebra (ITP 2018).
I am delighted to be invited speaker with Évelyne Contejean of the upcoming Coq workshop (CoqWS@FLOC) which will take place on saturday 8th of July 2018 in Oxford
- ESOP 2019 PC Member
Past Events (From 2002)
International Events
- ESOP 2013 PC Member
- ICDE 2011 PC Member
- XSYM 2010 PC Member
- VLDB 2009 PC Member
- Plan-X 2008 PC Member
- XSym 2007 PC Member
- XIME-P 2007, PC Member
- XSym 2006 PC Member
- XSym 2005, PC Member
- Plan-X 2005 PC Member
- ISMIS 2005 PC Member
- XIME-P 2004, PC Member
National Events
- BDA 2013 PC Member
- BDA 2011 PC Member
- BDA 2007 PC Member
- BDA 2005 PC Chair
- BDA 2003 PC Member
- BDA 2002 PC Member
In Memoriam
Le 18 décembre 2010, , helléniste, s'en est allée.
Membre de l'Académie française, première femme professeur au Collège de France, elle est connue pour ses travaux sur la civilisation et la langue de la Grèce antique, et en particulier pour ses travaux à propos de Thucydide.
Elle disait d'elle-même ne pas avoir eu, «bien sûr», la vie qu'elle souhaitait :
« Avoir été juive sous l'Occupation, finir seule, presque aveugle, sans enfants et sans famille, est-ce vraiment sensationnel ? Mais ma vie de professeur a été, d'un bout à l'autre, celle que je souhaitais. »
' O horror, horror, horror! Tongue nor heart Cannot conceive nor name thee!'
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